Download Smart Life APP TUYA APP?
由 huangdaisy 在 发布
•Create apps that can control smart devices of various brands and categories
.•Achieve remote controls of home appliances based on Android and iOS
.•The originally created connection methodPegasuscan detect new devices au-tomatically to achieve a one-click network configuration.
•Throughthelinkagebetweendevicesandscenariosbyvariouscombinationsofautomatic smart scenarios, achieve the interaction and connectivity betweendifferent products.
•Support the cross-platform third-party voice control system such as AmazonEcho and Google Home to release your hands.
•The practical permission management and device sharing function improveyour confidence to use the devices.
•Connect with daily life, control the smart devices easily, and get to know thestatus of devices at home timely. You can enjoy smart life with one app.
•Smart Life (without Tuya logo):QR code for Downloading
Tuya Smart (with Tuya logo):QR code for downloading
3.Introduction to functional modules
3.1.1Sign Up
•Sign up with phone number: Sign up with your phone number.
•Sign up with email: Sign up with your email address.
•Phone number login: Login with your phone number. After login, your accountinformation will be stored in the cloud.
•Email login: Login with your email address. After login, your account informa-tion will be stored in the cloud.
•UID login: If you own a self-built user system, you can use UID to log in andconnect to Tuya Smart SDK.
•Three-party login: You can use WeChat, Tencent QQ, and third-party accountsto log in.3.1.3Logout
•Logout: Temporarily exit the app.
•Delete Account: Stop using this account and all the account information willbe deleted within a week.
3.1.4Account settings
•Profile Photo: You can upload your customized profile photo.
•Nickname: You can define your nickname.
•Temperature Unit: You can switch the temperature units between °C and °F inthis app.
•Time Zone: You can choose your time zone
•Storepasswordinthekeychain: Youcanchoosetostoreyouraccountpasswordin the keychain, and then you can log in without entering the password in the future. (This function works only if your Android phone supports the keychainfunction.)
3.1.5Password settings
•Forgot Password: When attempting to log in with your email address or phonenumber account, you can use the Forgot Password function to receive a verifi-cation code, and then log in.
•Change Login Password: You can change your account password.
•Pattern Lock: You can set a pattern lock to enable the app.3.2Home management3.2.1Home settings
•Create a Home: You can create a home scenario.
•Delete Home: The person with the Home Owner role can delete the homescenario.
•Leave Home: Users with Administrator and Member role can leave the currenthome scenario.
•Switch Home: The user who belongs to multiple homes can switch the homescenario.
•Rename: You can change the name of the home scenario you own.
•Room Management: You can add a room, delete a room, and change the roomname.
•Home Location: You can set the home location.
•Weather Information: The weather information of the current home scenariowill be displayed such as Outdoor Temperature, Outdoor PM2.5 state,3.2.2Home Member
•Add Member: You can add a member to the home.
•Delete Member: You can remove a member from the home scenario.
•Family Role: You can assign a different role to home members according topermission requirements.
3.2.3Room Management
•Add Room: You can create a room in the home scenario.
•Delete Room: You can delete rooms from the current home scenario.
•Rename: You can change the name of the room.
•Device Management: You can manage the devices in the room.3.3Device Management3.3.1Device Information
•Add Device: Add Manually, Auto Scan, and Scan are supported for adding de-vices.
•Remove Device: You can remove devices.
•List View: Display all the added devices and support device list order change.
•Region: Display all the added devices in the selected region.
•Grid View: Display devices in grid mode or list mode.
•Device Information: Display Virtual ID, IP, and Time Zone of the device.
•Icon: You can customize the device icon by uploading a picture.
•Name: You can set the username.
•Tap to Run and Automation: View and edit the device-related scenario andautomation.
•FAQ: You can view the FAQs about the device use.
•Feedback: The feedback that is submitted by the user about using the device.3.3.2Device Control
•Manual Control: Control the device manually by the panel.
•Voice Control: Control the device by the voice control function.
•Siri Control: iOS users can control the device by Siri.
•Widget Control: Users can control the device by widget.
•3D Touch Control: Users can control the device by the 3D Touch function.
•Third-party control: Support the control of the device through third-parties.
•Other control terminals: iWatch can control devices and execute scenarios.(iOS only)
•Dynamic: Apps support the access and control of new devices (except newlyadded devices) without upgrading.
•Share Device: Devices can be shared with others who do not belong to thecurrent home scenario.
3.4Smart Function
•Edit: You can edit the Tap to Run function.
•Add to Siri: You can add the Tap to Run scenario to Siri.
•Recommendation: Recommend Tap to Run according to your devices.
•Execute: SupportmultipleexecutionmethodssuchasSiri, iWatch, andWidget.
•Edit: You can set the condition for triggering automatic operation, and thespecific actions that are executed automatically.
•Push integration channel: Support push channels such as Umeng and Googleto send operation and product alarm push notifications.
•Notification Settings: Define whether to receive push notifications of specifictypes.
•Do Not Disturb Schedule: Set the Do-not-disturb time period.
3.5.2Message Center
•Notification Types: Alarm, Home, and Bulletin.
3.6.1Voice and Third-party Services
•Google Assistant
•Tencent Xiaowei
•DuerOS3.6.2FAQ and Feedback
•View FAQ: You can view the FAQs about using this app.
•Report Issue: You can submit your feedback about this app.
•Upload Log: iOS users can upload logs to assist the diagnosis and solution ofthe issue.
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